Thursday, May 8, 2014 \\ 0 comment(s)

I wish I could take back all those times when I hurt your feelings or let you down..
But I can't change the past or predict the future.. So, I just can tell you how much I love you..

You have always been everything to me..
Helping me learn about life.. Letting me know my own mistakes..
You have always been listening when I needed to talk, supporting me when I was down..
Most of all,
You have always been my mother..
Loving me no matter what I did or I said..

There are so many moments when I wish you knew how much you matter to me, and how much I thank you for being such a great mother.. In the times of my life, whether we are near or far, remember that there could never never be any mother more wonderful than the one you are..

Thank you for providing me with the the strength to help me conquer difficulties..
Thank you for always being there to help me.. For always being there
to understand.. And for always being there to take care of me..
Thank you for always cheering me on and for having confidence in me, even when I had none in myself..
Thank you for showing you were proud of me, no matter how small the accomplishment..

Without you, there would be no me.. Your love, attention, guidance, have made me who I am..
Without you, I would be lost.. There have been many times when I have missed the chance to tell you that I am so proud of you and all you stand for.. I admire everything about your way of life, even though you may have wondered many times if I was even listening when you spoke to me.. You may have felt as if your words were falling on closed ears, but I have always heard you.. And many times those messages of yours have helped me, guided me, and kept me safely going on..

And now, I pray for my mother..
God, please bless my mother for her sacrifices..
Please bless my mother for always being there for me.. For being the person I know I can turn to when I need comfort, encouragement, or even just a hug..
Most of all,
Please bless my mother for her unconditional love, for loving me no matter what, and for frequently showing love in ways that makes me feel valued and cherished..

Thank you, Mom..
I love you.. You are always in my heart.

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