Thursday, March 13, 2014 \\ 0 comment(s)
Dear all, gud mon. Alhamdulillah. It felt so good to wake up in the morning. Enjoy a cup of black tea and a plate of 'roti bakar ceres' with my lovely husband. Wish i can do this every day.
Mencoba relax, terus belajar ikhlas dengan keadaan. Walo terkadang masih sangat sulit ketika pikiran2 itu sepintas datang.

Kemaren spend time ama icha+aunty nenny di Giant, maen game di fun city,.... icha dapet bingo 70card. Masih lanjut nonton dvd korea, kali ini when the man loves women..... setelah kelar nonton i missing you.
Siap2 buat hunting dvd korean series again :)

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